Saturday, January 19, 2019

What Is an Anger Management Program?

For more than two decades, nonprofit leader Rose Padilla Johnson has overseen health, early education, and life skills programming for low-income families and individuals as the CEO of San Leandro’s Davis Street Community Center. Over the course of Rose Padilla Johnson’s tenure, the center has expanded its programs to address numerous relevant community issues. Its primary care facility offers a 12-week anger management program that accepts San Leandro residents regardless of their immigration status or ability to pay. 

Anger is a normal, healthy response to disappointing situations or feelings of betrayal. However, people who frequently express anger over minor occurrences or react violently or aggressively toward others may need therapeutic support to better handle their emotions. Intensive anger management programs, especially those lasting eight weeks or longer, are effective for reducing violent outbursts and promoting healthier behavior patterns. 

While there are many different types of anger management programs, a commonly used therapeutic approach is grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy. Participants are encouraged to examine and recognize their thoughts, notice situations or people that trigger their anger, and to employ stress-reduction and communication techniques to work through problems in a more constructive manner.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Highlights from Davis Street’s Yearly Report

Nonprofit executive Rose Padilla Johnson previously served as president of the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce in California. A San Leandro resident, Rose Padilla Johnson serves as CEO of Davis Street Community Center Incorporated. 

Davis Street, which seeks to address poverty and improve health for those who are disenfranchised, recently released its full-year report for the fiscal year 2017/2018. Here are some of the highlights:

-Davis Street Primary Care Clinic is still growing. By the close of 2017/2018, the clinic had provided services to 12,390 patients. The bulk of patient visits were to the medical department (7,655 patients), followed by the dental department (3,297), behavioral (934), counseling (398), and optometry (132). 

-Over the same year, Davis Street’s five childcare centers cared for more than 300 children daily.

-The Holiday Basket Program served thousands of people from low-income families. Through the program, Davis Street staff and volunteers provided food and toys to 1,005 families, including 1,803 children and 212 seniors. 

-Its Back to School program provided 300 children from low-income families with new shoes, backpacks, and school supplies for the new academic year.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Davis Street’s Nutritional Cooking Classes for Patients

A San Leandro, California, resident, Rose Padilla Johnson is a recipient of the United Nation’s Global Citizen Award for her efforts to alleviate inequality among low-income families. For more than 25 years, Rose Padilla Johnson has served as CEO of San Leandro-based nonprofit Davis Street Community Center Incorporated. 

Davis Street’s mission is to improve the health and quality of life of people in need. As part of this effort, its clinic offers nutritional cooking classes to help patients achieve wholesome, long-lasting recovery. 

Classes are conducted at Davis Street’s demonstration kitchen. Nutritionists are brought in to give patients lessons on preparing healthy, affordable, culturally appropriate meals. Patients also are shown how to make healthy grocery purchases on a limited budget. Lessons and recipes are available in Spanish and Cantonese as well as English. 

On top of grocery shopping and cooking lessons from nutritionists, wellness coaches work with patients individually on the lifestyle changes they need to make to live healthier. The coaches also talk to patients about the risks of obesity.