Tuesday, June 11, 2019

A Night in Havana Fundraiser a Success

A respected volunteer and nonprofit executive with decades of experience, Rose Padilla Johnson serves as CEO of Davis Street Community Center in San Leandro, California. As part of her duties, Rose Padilla Johnson engages the community-at-large and other key stakeholders with regular fundraisers to help the center continue its mission of serving San Leandro. 

The center held an engaging fundraising event in March 2019 based around the theme of A Night in Havana. The sell-out event highlighted Cuban cuisine and culture, raising more than $160,000 to help the community center continue its vital mission of reaching the thousands of underserved individuals in San Leandro. 

The event also marked a changing of the guard among the David Street Community Center’s board of directors. Gordon Galvin stepped down as board president after serving in the role for a decade. Dr. Susan Cota was introduced as his replacement. In her comments, CEO Rose Padilla Johnson expressed gratitude for all the community partners whose contributions continue to give the center the vital resources it needs to continue reaching those who depend upon them the most.